Wages And Benefits

Huaye Stainless Steel since its inception has been adhering to the: talent is the first productive force, talent is the source of enterprise development. Attaches great importance to the talented person is the consensus of the company, the company decision-makers are thirsty, would never deny himself's devotion to recruitment and training. Company has the perfect combination of talent selection mechanism for internal improvement and external employment, for new and old employees fair development opportunities; Scientific and reasonable training system to ensure employee self-improvement; Human nature management, a sound incentive evaluation mechanism, reasonable pay employees are enterprising and retain the talent. It is in the cultivation of talents, to ensure the huaye company healthy, rapid and sound development, ranks the top of the industry. The company has been the pursuit of win-win situation with employees. As the company performance rising year after year, the employee's salary and welfare level enhances unceasingly. Performance wage system make organic combination of employee benefits and company earnings are unified, employee income also increased year by year.


Social Insurance:

Company to enter the company bear the duty and sign labor contract employees pay social insurance.


Working Meal:

Provide free lunch and dinner; In case of overtime, overtime work meal;


Staff Dormitory:

Provide employees with capacious and comfortable dormitories;



Timely organize employees to participate in various activities, such as tourism, sports, parties, etc., greatly enriched the employees amateur cultural life, relax the body and mind are fully;


Paid Leave:

Employee has enjoy family wedding, funeral, conform to the national legal standard of paid vacation;


Physical Examination:

Companies organize all staff of the health physical examination every two years, let the staff was relieved from the trouble back at home, and work with full enthusiasm to face;


The Performance Review:

Within the company has perfect training system, due to the aptitude, give employees strongly support, have ideal, have the ability, has the potential, confident employees provide career development channel, let them in all exhibit, director of the company;


The Promotion Space:

Within the company has perfect training system, due to the aptitude, give employees strongly support, have ideal, have the ability, has the potential, confident employees provide career development channel, let them in all exhibit, director of the company;

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